Title: Beautiful Creatures
Author: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Published: January 1st 2009 by Little, Brown and Company
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Author: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Published: January 1st 2009 by Little, Brown and Company
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Purchase: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
What I think: I have thought long and hard about writing a review for this book. I think I first read it somewhere in 2010, the good old times when there was no talk about this book being turned into a movie yet. When the movie came out I was one of the first to stand in line to go see it. You won't believe how disappointed I was with the outcome, I could literally cry. After the movie I reread the book, I wanted to find out why the movie was so disappointing to me and hoped to find answers in the book. Unfortunately, I can already tell you, that I just dislike the movie. The main reason is because Ethan is not who I expected him to be, and that was all I could look at.
Now for the book, I did like the book, the beginning was slow and it took me at least 50 pages to really get into the story. However, once I was in, I was truly in. I guess those first boring pages where necessary to explain the characters, to explain what their lives where like and in what kind of setting this book takes place. And I tell you right now, don't stop because you don't think it makes any sense that their talking about this boring town, with this boy, that has incredibly boring friends, or I could better say; friend. Telling you more about this story would be a shame, you have to read it yourself, it might be a bit of a cliche sometimes but their is enough romance, adventure and exhilarating cliffhangers to entertain you for a good few hours.
Now about those characters, at some points I almost felt like I was one of Ethan or Lena. They where immensely good portrayed, even the supporting characters (family and friends) where introduced quite thoroughly. Throughout the story there was almost always one of the supporting characters in the picture, I believe that this makes the story more believable and more real. It wasn't just dialogue between the main characters their was actual depth in this story. All in all, this is a wonderful young adult book that I liked enough to reread!
The other books in the caster chronicles are just as entertaining and exiting and are also on my 'reread' list. I will be rereading them this summer and post a review on them around the same time.
Summary from goodreads:
Is falling in love the beginning . . . or the end? In Ethan Wate's hometown there lies the darkest of secrets . . . There is a girl. Slowly, she pulled the hood from her head . . . Green eyes, black hair. Lena Duchannes. There is a curse. On the Sixteenth Moon, the Sixteenth Year, the Book will take what it's been promised. And no one can stop it. In the end, there is a grave. Lena and Ethan become bound together by a deep, powerful love. But Lena is cursed and on her sixteenth birthday, her fate will be decided.Ethan never even saw it coming.
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